Category Archives: LED Outdoor Lighting

An Introduction to the Importance of LED Binning Ranges

Binning is an important aspect of any LED lighting. The range of the light can [...]

How the Milling Process of LED Lights Improves Quality

  The manufacturing process that produces great LED landscape lights is called the CNC milling [...]

5 Facts About Utilizing Waterproof LED Lights

LED lights aren’t just for Christmas anymore. Adding colored led lights to your property can [...]

Springing into Low Voltage Landscape Lighting

  The holidays are now past us for another year, and it’s time — at [...]

How LED Lights Are Made

  As a society, we are fascinated by how things are put together. What goes [...]

Proud to be Certified Turtle-Safe

  While we don’t always think about it, outdoor LED lighting can have an impact [...]