In order to provide our customers with the widest range of lighting opportunities, Garden Light LED is actively working to ensure our LED luminaires are fully compatible with industry-leading dimming controllers.
Garden Light LED is proud to announce that the following LED luminaires have been tested by Crestron and certified as 100% compatible with Crestron dimming controllers: Triple LED luminaires:
V3, V2, S2, Single LED luminaires:
MS (Mini Spot), MWL (Mini Well Light), MWW (Mini Wall Washer), S1 (Mini Saturn), and F9020, P1, P10, PL series path lights
Garden Light LED outdoor landscape lighting luminaires exhibit smooth, wide-range dimming on Lutron and Crestron controllers.
Using Garden Light LED Luminaires with Lutron and Crestron Controllers
To ensure your Garden Light LED luminaries can be easily integrated with a Lutron lighting dimmer and Crestron controller, always inform your salesperson that luminaires will be used on a lighting control or light dimming system when placing an order.